Getting started
All requests must go to
For compatibility with existing software, where there is no our service, but there is our API
For Windows
Add the line domain
in the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
, replace domain with the desired domain that is used in the software
For Linux
Add the line domain
in the file /etc/hosts
, replace domain with the desired domain that is used in the software
If the software does not work
Download the root certificate and install it:
- Open Chrome
- Open Settings
- Select Manage Certificates
- Select Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
- Import — 5sim_rootCA.crt
sudo mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra
sudo cp 5sim_rootCA.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra/5sim_rootCA.crt
Request for the number of available numbers
Request example
curl "$api_key&action=getNumbersStatus&country=$country"
Response example
GET / POST -$api_key&action=getNumbersStatus&country=$country
Returns the number of available numbers
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
country | number / string | 不 | Country number / Country name |
List of available countries
Name | 种类 | Description |
serviceName_{0/1} | string | The name of the service before the dash, after the designation of whether to enable redirection. 0 - do not enable. 1 - enable |
total | string | Number of available numbers |
Buy number
Request example
curl "$api_key&action=getNumber&service=$service&forward=$forward&operator=$operator&country=$country"
GET / POST -$api_key&action=getNumber&service=$service&forward=$forward&operator=$operator&country=$country
Orders a phone number for a specific service
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
service | string | 是 | Ordering service |
forward | number | 不 | Enabling redirection. 0 (do not execute), 1 - (execute). The default value is 0 |
operator | string | 不 | The name of the operator. Accepted values: mts, beeline, any, where any is any operator. Optional parameter, default is any |
country | number / string | 不 | Country number / Country name |
List of available services
List of available countries
List of available operators
Set status
Request example
curl "$api_key&action=setStatus&status=$status&id=$id&forward=$forward"
GET / POST -$api_key&action=setStatus&status=$status&id=$id&forward=$forward
Set activation status of the number
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
id | string | 是 | Activation ID |
forward | number | 是 / 不 | The phone number to be forwarded to. Required only if the forward=1 parameter was passed in getNumber |
status | string | 不 | Activation status |
Possible activation statuses:
- -1 - cancel activation
- 1 - inform about the availability of the number (sms sent to the number)
- 3 - request another code (free of charge)
- 6 - complete activation(if the status was "code received" - marks successful and completes, if it was "preparation" - deletes and places an error, if the status was "waiting for a repeat" - puts the activation in waiting for SMS)
- 8 - notify that the number is used and cancel the activation
Get order status
Request example
curl "$api_key&action=getStatus&id=$id"
GET / POST -$api_key&action=getStatus&id=$id
Return order status
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
id | string | 是 | Order ID |
Request for prices
Request example
curl "$apikey&action=getPrices"
GET / POST -$apikey&action=getPrices
Returns product prices
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
Response example
Request prices by country
Request example
curl "$apikey&action=getPrices&country=russia"
GET / POST -$apikey&action=getPrices&country=russia
Returns product prices by country
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
country | number / string | 是 | Country number / Country name |
List of available countries
Response example
Request for a price for a product
Request example
curl "$apikey&action=getPrices&service=vkontakte"
GET / POST -$apikey&action=getPrices&service=vkontakte
Returns prices for a specific product
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
service | string | 是 | 我们服务平台的名称 |
List of available services
Response example
Request price by country and product
Request example
curl "$apikey&action=getPrices&country=russia&service=vkontakte"
GET / POST -$apikey&action=getPrices&country=russia&service=vkontakte
Returns product prices by country and specific product
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
service | string | 是 | Service name |
country | number / string | 是 | Country number / Country name |
List of available services
List of available countries
Response example
Balance request
Request example
curl "$api_key&action=getBalance"
GET / POST -$api_key&action=getBalance
Returns user balance
Request parameters
Name | 种类 | Required | Description |
api_key | string | 是 | API-key |
Available countries
国家/地区 | 旧API1 |
俄罗斯 | 0 |
乌克兰 | 1 |
哈萨克斯坦 | 2 |
中国 | 3 |
菲律宾 | 4 |
印度尼西亚 | 6 |
马来西亚 | 7 |
肯尼亚 | 8 |
坦桑尼亚 | 9 |
越南 | 10 |
吉尔吉斯斯坦 | 11 |
美国 | 12 |
以色列 | 13 |
中国香港 | 14 |
波兰 | 15 |
英国 | 16 |
马达加斯加 | 17 |
刚果 | 18 |
尼日利亚 | 19 |
中国澳门 | 20 |
埃及 | 21 |
印度 | 22 |
爱尔兰 | 23 |
老挝 | 25 |
海地 | 26 |
科特迪瓦 | 27 |
冈比亚 | 28 |
塞尔维亚 | 29 |
南非 | 31 |
罗马尼亚 | 32 |
哥伦比亚 | 33 |
爱沙尼亚 | 34 |
阿塞拜疆 | 35 |
加拿大 | 36 |
摩洛哥 | 37 |
加纳 | 38 |
阿根廷 | 39 |
乌兹别克斯坦 | 40 |
喀麦隆 | 41 |
乍得 | 42 |
德国 | 43 |
立陶宛 | 44 |
克罗地亚 | 45 |
瑞典 | 46 |
荷兰 | 48 |
拉脱维亚 | 49 |
奥地利 | 50 |
白俄罗斯 | 51 |
泰国 | 52 |
沙特阿拉伯 | 53 |
墨西哥 | 54 |
中国台湾 | 55 |
西班牙 | 56 |
阿尔及利亚 | 58 |
斯洛文尼亚 | 59 |
孟加拉国 | 60 |
塞内加尔 | 61 |
土耳其 | 62 |
捷克 | 63 |
斯里兰卡 | 64 |
秘鲁 | 65 |
巴基斯坦 | 66 |
新西兰 | 67 |
几内亚 | 68 |
委内瑞拉 | 70 |
埃塞俄比亚 | 71 |
蒙古 | 72 |
巴西 | 73 |
阿富汗 | 74 |
乌干达 | 75 |
安哥拉 | 76 |
塞浦路斯 | 77 |
法国 | 78 |
巴布亚新几内亚 | 79 |
莫桑比克 | 80 |
尼泊尔 | 81 |
比利时 | 82 |
保加利亚 | 83 |
匈牙利 | 84 |
摩尔达维亚 | 85 |
意大利 | 86 |
巴拉圭 | 87 |
洪都拉斯 | 88 |
突尼斯 | 89 |
尼加拉瓜 | 90 |
东帝汶 | 91 |
玻利维亚 | 92 |
哥斯达黎加 | 93 |
危地马拉 | 94 |
津巴布韦 | 96 |
波多黎各 | 97 |
多哥 | 99 |
科威特 | 100 |
萨尔瓦多 | 101 |
牙买加 | 103 |
特立尼达和多巴哥 | 104 |
厄瓜多尔 | 105 |
斯威士兰 | 106 |
阿曼 | 107 |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 | 108 |
多米尼加 | 109 |
巴拿马 | 112 |
毛里塔尼亚 | 114 |
塞拉利昂 | 115 |
约旦 | 116 |
葡萄牙 | 117 |
巴巴多斯 | 118 |
布隆迪 | 119 |
贝宁 | 120 |
博茨瓦纳 | 123 |
格鲁吉亚 | 128 |
希腊 | 129 |
几内亚比绍 | 130 |
圭亚那 | 131 |
圣基茨和尼维斯 | 134 |
利比里亚 | 135 |
莱索托 | 136 |
马拉维 | 137 |
纳米比亚 | 138 |
卢旺达 | 140 |
斯洛伐克 | 141 |
苏里南 | 142 |
塔吉克斯坦 | 143 |
巴林 | 145 |
留尼汪岛 | 146 |
赞比亚 | 147 |
亚美尼亚 | 148 |
布基纳法索 | 152 |
加蓬 | 154 |
阿尔巴尼亚 | 155 |
乌拉圭 | 156 |
毛里求斯 | 157 |
不丹 | 158 |
马尔代夫 | 159 |
瓜德罗普 | 160 |
土库曼斯坦 | 161 |
法属圭亚那 | 162 |
芬兰 | 163 |
圣卢西亚 | 164 |
卢森堡 | 165 |
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 | 166 |
赤道几内亚 | 167 |
吉布提 | 168 |
安提瓜和巴布达 | 169 |
开曼群岛 | 170 |
黑山 | 171 |
瑞士 | 173 |
挪威 | 174 |
澳大利亚 | 175 |
厄立特里亚 | 176 |
圣多美和普林西比 | 178 |
阿鲁巴 | 179 |
蒙特塞拉特 | 180 |
安圭拉 | 181 |
日本 | 182 |
北马其顿 | 183 |
塞舌尔 | 184 |
新喀里多尼亚 | 185 |
佛得角 | 186 |
You can also use the full name of the country:
国家/地区 | API 5SIM |
Available services
产品 | 旧API1 |
1688 | hn |
1xbet | wj |
32red | qi |
888casino | ll |
99app | ki |
Adidas | an |
Agroinform | qu |
Airbnb | uk |
Airtel | zl |
Airtel | wf |
Aitu | jj |
Alfa | bt |
Algida | lp |
Alibaba | ab |
Aliexpress | hx |
Aliexpress | al |
Alibaba/Alipay/Taobao/1688 | hw |
Amasia | yo |
Amazon | am |
Aol | pm |
Apple | wx |
Astropay | asp |
Auchan | st |
Avito | av |
Avon | ff |
B4ucabs | bu |
Baidu | li |
Banqi | vc |
Bigolive | bl |
Billmill | ri |
Bisu | el |
Bitaqaty | pt |
Bitclout | lt |
Blablacar | ua |
Blizzard | bz |
Blued | qn |
Bolt | tx |
Brand20ua | vo |
Burgerking | ip |
Bykea | iu |
Cafebazaar | uo |
Caixa | my |
Careem | ls |
Carousell | gj |
Cdkeys | pq |
Citaprevia | si |
Citymobil | yf |
Cliqq | fe |
Clubhouse | et |
Cmtcuzdan | ql |
Coinbase | re |
Coinfield | vw |
Craigslist | wc |
Cryptocom | ti |
Dbrua | tj |
Deliveroo | zk |
Delivery | dt |
Dent | zz |
Dhani | os |
Didi | xk |
Digikala | zv |
Discord | ds |
Disneyhotstar | ud |
Divar | dw |
Dodopizza | sd |
Dominospizza | dz |
Dostavista | sv |
Douyu | ak |
Dream11 | ve |
Drom | hz |
Drugvokrug | we |
Easypay | rz |
Ebay | dh |
Ebikegewinnspiel | le |
Eneba | uf |
Ezbuy | db |
Faberlic | rm |
Facebook | fb |
Fiqsy | ug |
Fiverr | cn |
Foodpanda | nz |
Foody | kw |
Freecharge | otp |
Gamearena | wn |
Gamekit | pa |
Gamer | ed |
Getir | ul |
Gett | gt |
Gg | qe |
Gittigidiyor | nk |
Global24 | iz |
Globaltel | gl |
Globus | hm |
Glovo | aq |
Google/YouTube | go |
Grabtaxi | jg |
Grindr | yw |
Hamrahaval | rp |
Happn | df |
Haraj | au |
Hepsiburadacom | gx |
Hezzl | ss |
Hily | rt |
Hopi | jl |
Hqtrivia | kp |
Humblebundle | un |
Humta | gv |
Huya | pp |
Icq | iq |
Icrypex | cx |
Ifood | pd |
Immowelt | ib |
Imo | im |
Inboxlv | iv |
Indriver | rl |
Ininal | hy |
Instagram/Threads | ig |
Iqos | il |
Ivi | jc |
Jd | za |
Jkf | hr |
Justdating | pu |
Justdial | jdl |
Kakaotalk | kt |
Karusel | de |
Keybase | bf |
Kotak811 | rv |
Kucoinplay | sq |
Kufarby | kb |
Kvartplata | yb |
Kwai | vp |
Lazada | dl |
Lenta | rd |
Line | me |
Linkedin | tn |
Livescore | eu |
Magnit | mg |
Magnolia | up |
Mailru | ma |
Mamba/Wamba | fd |
McDonalds/Vkusnoitochka | ry |
Mega | qr |
Mercado | cq |
Michat | mc |
Microsoft | mm |
Miloan | ey |
Miratorg | op |
Mobile01 | wk |
Momo | hc |
Monese | py |
Monobank | ji |
Mosru | ce |
Mrgreen | lw |
Mtscashback | da |
Myfishka | qa |
Myglo | ae |
Mylove | fy |
Mymusictaste | mu |
Mzadqatar | jm |
Nana | na |
Naver | nv |
Ncsoft | sw |
Netflix | nf |
Nhseven | nh7 |
Nifty | px |
Nike | ew |
Nrjmusicawards | pg |
Nttgame | zy |
Odnoklassniki | ok |
Offerup | zm |
Offgamers | uz |
Okta | lr |
Olacabs | ly |
Olx | sn |
Onlinerby | ob |
Oriflame | qh |
Other | ot |
Ozon | sg |
Paddypower | cw |
Pairs | dk |
Papara | zr |
Paxful | dn |
Payberry | qb |
Paycell | xz |
Paypal | ts |
Paysend | tr |
Paytm | ge |
Peoplecom | pe |
Perekrestok | pl |
Pgbonus | fx |
Picpay | ev |
Pof | pf |
Pokec | pk |
Potato | fj |
Powerkredite | dx |
Prajmeriz2020 | qc |
Premiumone | po |
Prom | cm |
Protonmail | dp |
Protp | rra |
Pureplatfrom | lk |
Pyaterochka/x5id | bd |
Pyromusic | ny |
Q12trivia | vf |
Qiwiwallet | qw |
Quipp | cc |
Rambler | tc |
Rediffmail | co |
Rosakhutor | qm |
Rsa | cy |
Rutube | ui |
Samokat | jr |
Seosprint | vv |
Sheerid | rx |
Shopee | ka |
Sikayetvar | fs |
Skout | wg |
Snapchat | fu |
Snappfood | ph |
Sneakersnstuff | sf |
Socios | ia |
Sportmaster | yk |
Spothit | cd |
Ssoidnet | la |
Steam | mt |
Surveytime | gd |
Swvl | tq |
Taksheel | ei |
Tango | xr |
Tantan | ta |
Taobao | qd |
Telegram | tg |
Tencentqq | |
Ticketmaster | gp |
Tiktok/Douyin | lf |
Tinder | oi |
Tosla | nr |
Touchance | fm |
Trendyol | pr |
Truecaller | tl |
Twitch | hb |
Twitter | tw |
Uber | ub |
Ukrnet | hu |
Vernyj | nb |
Viber | vi |
Vitajekspress | bj |
Vkontakte | vk |
Wechat | wb |
Weibo | kf |
Weststein | th |
Whatsapp | wa |
Wildberries | uu |
Wingmoney | jb |
Wish | xv |
Wmaraci | xl |
Wolt | rr |
Yaay | vn |
Yahoo | mb |
Yalla | yl |
Yandex | ya |
Yemeksepeti | yi |
Youla | ym |
Youstar | gb |
Zalo | mj |
Zoho | zh |
You can also use the full name of the service:
产品 | API 5SIM |
In order to get a list of operators, you need authorization.